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Femme Nite – Umm Salamah


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  • Oditorium Aras 5
  • April 27, 2019
  • 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm

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Femme Nite – Umm Salamah

Oditorium Aras 5

9:00 pm to 10:30 pm
April 27, 2019


Femme Nite – Umm Salamah

Oditorium Aras 5

9:00 pm to 10:30 pm
April 27, 2019


Femme Nite: Mothers of the Believers series

“The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, and his wives are [in the position of] their mothers.” [Al-Ahzab 33:6]


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Besides being an exceptional wife of the Prophet, Umm Salamah is known as one of the superior and distinctive companions and played a significant role in Islamic history. Her entire adult life, from her acceptance of Islam until her death, is a compelling example of resistance, strength in the face of personal trials and devotion to understanding Islam. As such, her life story offers a timeless example for Muslim women of all ages.
▪ Her faith and patience in times of hardships were strong and unshakeable. Umm Salamah and her husband faced isolation and persecution from others who were fearful of the growing strength of Islam. Yet, they did not waver or despair and remained steadfast in their new faith. Her dealing with the death of her
husband was also admirable, with her eventually marrying to Prophet Muhammad, the best of creation.
▪ Umm Salamah was known in society for her intelligence and political savvy and was active in the movement for women’s rights in early Islamic community. She defended Fatimah’s right to the land of Fadak and once posed a political question to Prophet Muhammad on the equality of the sexes. The Prophet himself consulted her in tricky situations, most notably during the incident after the signing of the treaty of Hudaibiyyah, when his followers refused to follow his instructions out of protest for signing the treaty. Her two migrations alongside her presence in many wars and her defense of the household of the Prophet resulted in her elevated status.
▪ She also showed that women can be counsellors. After the death of Prophet Muhammad, her scholarship became even more important and many people, men and women, used to come to her to ask her counsel. She was very learned in religious matters and was very devoted to the welfare of the destitute and needy. Even Abdullah bin Abbas, one of the earliest scholars of Quran, would seek advice from her on Islamic law.
▪ How do we link and relate the story and events of Umm Salamah into the lives of women and apply her qualities, her personality, her values, her hardships and her success to overcome the difficulties and problems women faced, especially in today’s modern and challenging world?